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We are taking names for our next BEGINNER'S COURSE to be held over 10 weeks starting on June 13th, 2025. This will be a week-day course, from 10.30am to 12.30pm on Fridays. Our course is very hands-on with lots of opportunities given to practice the new skills being learned. Participants are encouraged to stay and join in with Social Bridge from 12.30pm, initially by watching, then, as they develop their skills, by playing Bridge with our friendly social players. Enquiries to Wendy on 0429 985 646.

IMPROVERS LESSONS. Brush up on your Bridge strategies or learn some new ones! Sessions are being held on Tuesdays from 11.30-12noon, starting 1st April, 2025 (Note: no improver's lesson on 15th April as venue is unavailable) First two lessons will be on System Cards. Other topics to come.

ALL Lessons are held in the Lounge at Club Sunbury. (Bowling Club) Riddell Rd, Sunbury. Improver's Enquiries to Michael on 0400 737 005