Welcome to Sunbury Bridge Club. |
Sunbury Bridge Club is a small and friendly social club, with our players coming from Sunbury and surrounding areas. Many of us enjoy dinner together at the Club before Bridge on Wednesday nights. We encourage players who are visiting from elsewhere to join us for a game. New pairs and players are also welcome. if you need a partner, please contact Dianne on 0430 945 569. We hold an open congress every year, drawing players from all around the region. Entry forms and other information can be found prior to the event at http://bridgeunlimited.com We also have options on our Lessons page for people who want to learn or improve their Bridge. |
(C) Altosoft and
Sunbury Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft and content managed by Sunbury Bridge Club Click here for Management log-in Server: DO |